Fall clean ups are an essential part of a healthy lawn, however they tend to be ignored! As we all know, fall brings beautiful colors as the trees shed their leaves in anticipation of the coming winter. What you may not know is that these leaves, if left to sit on your lawn over winter, will actually smother and kill your grass as they rot! This issue is typically called winter rot and is easily preventable. For our standard fall clean up we will remove all leaves and loose debris from your lawn and flower beds. We will then give your lawn its final cut and trim followed by a blow off any excess debris from walkways/driveways. This fall clean up service will insure that your lawn does not experience excessive decay over the winter months and will go a long way towards making your lawn even better for the following year! We also offer many fall clean up add on products such as core aeration and fall fertilizer for those who missed out on the spring services! Our Calgary fall clean ups make a great addition to our other services and should be done every year to round out your lawn care services!
Click to see our Calgary Fall Clean Up pricing!