Calgary Fertilizer & Weed Control Services

We offer everything from season long fertilization and weed control packages to one time applications of either weed control or fertilizer in Calgary. All of our season long packages include a minimum of 3 granular fertilizer applications and 2 weed control applications! Applying fertilizer to your lawn is the best way to insure that your lawn receives all of the nutrients that it needs to be beautiful and green. Our fertilizers are specially formulated to be slow release, which means your lawn will have a steady source of nutrients all season long! For weed control we use a liquid spray that contains 2, 4-D, Mecoprop-P and Dicamba. It is a selective herbicide that has proven to be very effective in controlling and preventing weeds while leaving the grass unharmed. If you want to have a green, healthy, weed free lawn this year these packages are for you!
Click to see our Calgary Fertilizer & Weed Control Services Pricing