Mowing Tips
When cutting your grass you should always insure that your mowers height is set properly – the ideal height of a freshly cut lawn is 2.5-3″. Cutting your grass shorter then this will cause shallow rooting as well as a decreased resistance to drought (ie: a lawn that is cut short will dry up and begin to die much faster than a lawn that is cut to the proper height of 2.5-3″.)
Be sure to remove the grass clippings from your lawn. While it has been shown that leaving grass clipping strewn across your lawn in very hot climates can have a mild fertilizer effect (by providing nitrogen and other nutrients during decomposition), the resulting thatch layer will more than cancel out any positive effects by seasons end. Our fertilizer program will provide your lawn with all of the nutrients its needs to stay thick and green all season long, without causing an unnecessary build up of thatch!
Be sure that your mowers blades are sharp. Dull blades will essentially rip the grass apart, causing unnecessary damage to your lawn as well as putting it at risk for disease.
While not a huge concern for most, it is recommended that you alternate the way in which you mow your lawn (ie: over time, running your mowers wheels over the same spot will eventually cause excessive compaction in those areas resulting in a mildly weaker root structure in said areas). While this is not a prominent problem for most home owners, those with large, heavier mowers (seated/over wide etc) will benefit from alternating their mowing direction each time they mow (north/south to east/west).
Watering Tips
To insure a healthy green look, your lawn should receive about 1-1.5″ of water each week. On average, watering your lawn 2-3 times per week for about 40 minutes each time (per spot) should achieve the desired 1-1.5″ of water.
In times of extreme heat it is recommended that you water only 1-2 times per week but for a longer period of time (a little over an hour per spot). This is to prevent the water from evaporating off the surface of the lawn (before it can reach the deep grass roots – not observing this tip can result in your lawn developing shallow roots which, in turn, will cause it to dry out much faster).
DO NOT water at night! Watering at night greatly increases the chance of your lawn developing fungus (mushrooms). Even watering at night just a couple of times can result in mushrooms popping up. The best time to water is in the morning as it is not too hot and will allow the water to soak down to the deep grass roots (instead of evaporating) while eliminating any chance of fungal growth as a result of the moisture.